Headquarters and principal place of business in the PRC |
No. 336 4th Shenzhou Road Aerospace Industrial Base Chang'an District Xi'an Shaanxi Province, PRC |
Registered Office | 47 Esplanade St Helier Jersey JE1 0BD |
Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong | Unit 3705, 37/F, Tower 6 The Gateway, Harbour City 9 Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Company's Website | www.westchinacement.com |
Company Secretary | Mr. Chan King Sau HKICPA |
Authorised Representatives | Mr. Chan King Sau |
Members of the Audit Committee | Mr. Lee Kong Wai Conway (Chairman) Mr. Tam King Ching Kenny Mr. Zhu Dong Mr. Feng Tao |
Members of the Remuneration Committee | Mr. Tam King Ching Kenny (Chairman) Mr. Zhang Jimin Mr. Lee Kong Wai Conway Mr. Zhu Dong |
Members of the Nomination Committee | Mr. Zhang Jimin (Chairman) Mr. Lee Kong Wai Conway Mr. Tam King Ching Kenny |
Jersey Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office | Computershare Investor Services (Channel Islands) Limited Ordinance House 31 Pier Road St Helier Jersey JE4 8PW |
Hong Kong Share Registrar | Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East Wanchai Hong Kong |
Principal Bankers | Agricultural Bank of China Pucheng Sub-branch No. 43 Yan'an Road Pucheng, Weinan Shaanxi Province, PRC Bank of China Pucheng Sub-branch No. 44 Yan'an Road West Pucheng, Weinan Shaanxi Province, PRC |